K-80 Super Scroll Parcours

K-80 Super Scroll Parcours
K-80 Super Scroll Parcours
K-80 Super Scroll Parcours
K-80 Super Scroll Parcours
K-80 Super Scroll Parcours
K-80 Super Scroll Parcours
K-80 Super Scroll Parcours
K-80 Super Scroll Parcours

New Krieghoff K-80 Super Scroll Parcours  engraved and signed by Katherine Nonn.  32" Parcours barrels with flush Chokes.  Upgraded Right handed Parcours stock with factory oil finish and factory adjustable comb.  

The K-80 Parcours is perfectly balanced between the hands, the Parcours gives the shooter a gun that is approximately 8 pounds with the proven reliability of the K-80 receiver. Featuring a 28", 30", 32”or 34", soldered rib barrels, a slimmer forearm and a totally new stock design the K-80 Parcours points and moves with ease.

GradeSuper Scroll
StockK-80 Parcours with adjustable comb
Barrel(s)K-80 32" Parcours with flush chokes
List Price$21,845
Sell PricePlease call or email
Serial #134431
Special InfoWe can reconfigure this gun with a different barrel or stock